Thursday, August 04, 2005


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We often make omelets using the insructions and variations in one of our favorite cook books "How to Cook Without a Book". Last night, I made the big fat omelet with cream cheese and caraway. It was a great combination and a very simple, quick, and delicious dinner.

Filling for Big Fat Omelet:
6 T cream cheese
Heaping 1/2 tsp Caraway seeds- Toast in skillet 2 to 3 minutes or until fragrant over med heat.

1 T butter or other fat
8 or 9 large eggs
1/4 tsp salt
Ground pepper to taste

1. Heat the butter over med-low heat in a 12 inch nonstick skillet while preparing the eggs and the optional fillings. Using a fork, lightly beat the eggs with the salt and pepper until the whites and yolks are blended.

2. Increase heat to med-hi, swirling the butter around to completely coat the pan bottom and the sides. Once the butter starts to turn golden brown and smells nutty, add the eggs. Using a plastic or wooden spatula to push back the eggs that have set, tilt the pan so that the uncooked eggs run into the empty portion of the pan. Continue pushing back the cooked eggs and tilting the pan until the omelet top is wet but not runny, 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, and quickly add the filling ingredients over one half of the omelet. Dot half of the omelet with marble-size pieces of cream cheese and sprinkle the caraway seeds over cream cheese.
Carefully fold the remaining half of the omelet over the topped half. Partially cover the pan and cook until fillings are warm and eggs are set as desired, 5 to 7 minutes longer. Quarter and serve immediately.

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