Saturday, January 22, 2005

My First Day of Blogging

Welcome to my Journal

I intend for this Journal to be a place where I can share the things I do everyday or week, if for nothing more, than for the feeling of accomplishment and self improvement. For the people who stumble apon this journal, I hope that I can express the love, peace, joy, and happiness that my simple everyday life is full of.

Here is some information about me, my life, my family…….

I apologize for the rambling on and on –or wait is that what a blog is for?????????
I am a stay at home mom of two boys ages 6 and 4. We live in Nebraska. I have a husband who works most of his hours from home. We have two dogs, a terrier and a standard poodle. I love to cook and bake. I have a passion for old cookbooks and love to try new things weekly. My husband often asks me if I ever make anything twice. His passion for cooking consists of home brew and now making Honey mead. I also love to garden and landscape or I should say help him landscape. My husband has built a series of streams and ponds stocked with goldfish and koi. Since I discovered winter sowing, I can satisfy my need to garden during the cold winter months in Nebraska. I think this journal will be a great place to share this hobby and record the progress. Our family loves nature, we spend a great deal of time in our yard or at the near by parks. I try to walk everyday and sometimes walk from our home and to the nearest park for exercise. I love to take pictures; but I don’t do it enough. I am hoping this blog keeping will encourage me to take more photos more often. And also use the Digital Camera that I begged for for so long. I love to do crafts by my self and especially with my children. I am always amazed at their eagerness and their creativity. I am trying to or want to learn to crochet or knit. I love aromatherapy, essential oils, herbs and making anything naturally. If I ever get brave enough, I want to make cold pressed soap- real soap from scratch- not the melt and pour stuff that I make frequently now. I could go on for ever it seems if I started listing all the things I want to do someday. So I will stop here, this is enough info for now.


Anonymous said...

Hello -> S <- I just wanted to let you know that My First Day of Blogging was an interesting read and well presented. Just my two cents.

Recursive Self Improvement

Anonymous said...

Hello -> S <- I just wanted to let you know that My First Day of Blogging was an interesting read and well presented. Just my two cents.

Self Improvement Motivational Speaker

Anonymous said...

Hello -> S <- I just wanted to let you know that My First Day of Blogging was an interesting read and well presented. Just my two cents.

Motivational Self Improvement

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