Friday, March 22, 2013

Beautiful Orchids

Found these Beautiful Orchids along with some gardening tools at a Moving Sale this morning.  It was so sweet- I was given them so I could give them a good home.  I have never grown Orchids before.

Basic Info for Growing Orchids

When growing orchids indoors, choose a east or west facing window or room that has bright light, but not direct sunlight.If this is not possible in your home, fluorescent or other grow lights, can simulate the ideal conditions. Specifically, two 20 watt fluorescent tubes with reflectors per 12 X 24 inch area, is recommended. Light set-ups for indoor orchids and caring for are available at nurseries and garden supply stores.

Indoor temperatures should be above 60 degrees at all times. In the daytime, even warmer temperatures are recommended. If your plants are kept on a window sill, be sure to move them at night or when the outdoor temperatures drop low. An alternative is to place a piece of cardboard between the plant and window to provide insulation from the cold.

These plants need moist air. Placing pots on wet gravel in trays is a good idea. Keep 1/2 inch of water in the gravel....this will evaporate and provide humidity. Using a mister to give your plants an occasional spritz will also provide the moisture your plants need.

Air circulation is important. Open windows when the weather is warm, or place a small fan in the growing space.

There are really just a few factors involved in orchid care. Once these are addressed, even orchid types requiring very specific care are not as daunting. 

Light is an important factors to consider. If your orchid gets too little light, it may not flower, and it’s leaves will be soft and unattractive. The look of the plant could also be stretched, where the space between leaves is longer and new leaves are longer and thinner. But, if an orchid gets too much sun,  might get sunburned . 
Careful Watering is necessary in the care of orchids. Too much or too little water can kill the orchid or leave the plant in a weakened state where pests and diseases can move in. Avoiding fungus and rot is important. 
Air humidity and Air Circulation are important considerations when deciding where you will place your plant. Too little moisture in the air can stunt your orchid and contribute to Bud Blast.

Orchids require a special kind of Potting Mix. Unlike other plants that need soil and compost, orchids instead thrive on the proper mix of air and moisture. Care for Orchids requires a growing medium that is a mix of inorganic materials and fibers. 

          Watering Orchids
When Watering Orchids, the grower needs to remember that orchids require the right mix of air and water. If there is not enough air at the roots, the excess moisture will rot the growing medium, leading to fungus, diseases, and infections. Some orchids prefer their roots to be somewhat dry. Others need more moisture.

In general, orchids like to be drenched, and then not watered again until they have almost dried out. The frequency of watering will depend on the temperature and humidity of the environment, and the orchid species.

Here's an easy way to tell when your orchid is thirsty:

  • Using warm water, irrigate your orchid thoroughly.
  • Lift it to judge its heaviness.
  • Check everyday to see how heavy it is.
  • Stick your finger down about an inch to judge dampness.
  • Water again only when it feels significantly lighter and is dry at a depth of 1/2 to 1 inch.

Keep in mind when watering your orchid whether your plant likes dry roots or a little more moisture. Also, you should always use warm water, and do it early in the day.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Orchids are so beautiful. If anyone can grow them, I'm sure you can!

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